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Sunday, 5 February 2012

How this baby was born...

Over the past 6 months (in amongst the other hustle and bustle, new house, wedding, honeymoon etc....I have been working on this little baby. I have always loved scrapbooking (obviously), but I LOVE working with the patterns and colours available in products. I have a bit of a 'flair' in combining and layering a variety of colours and brands so to do this as a bit of a hobby business was something very exciting and tempting for me. Not only do I love scrapping, but I also have a little bit of a sweet tooth and from that 'A Piece of Cake Designs' was formed.

My goal is to provide people with a funky, scrumptious monthly scrapbooking kit that is jam packed with papers and cool embellies from different companies that are combined in a unique way that appeals to the scrappers out there! I want my kits to be set apart from the rest, to contain that extra something that makes you just 'want it all' and want to gobble it all up! But, because all the hard work of combining and creating unique colour combinations and brands will be done for you, it should be appealing and be 'a piece of cake' to start scrapping and creating in this busy world we live in!

Can't wait to get stuck into this new venture and I'm very excited to share this with everyone :)

To celebrate and coincide with the release of 'A Piece of Cake Designs' debut kit and my 28th Birthday I will be running a giveaway and a Design Team call. Details to come very soon........STAY TUNED!

Take care, 
Raquel xxx


  1. so excited to see your dream come to fruition raquel! can't wait to get one of your scrumptious kits!

  2. Sounds fabulous Raquel, I wish you every success with your new adventure xo

  3. ooh very excited racqual can't wait!!!!!!

  4. amazing....can't wait to up and comings

  5. soo excited about this Raquel. I know kits put together by you will be AWESOME!

  6. Sounds totally Exciting! and i am definatley staying tuned! {HUGS}


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